Subtitled "What Can Happen When We See People the Way God Does," Bold as Love takes a candid
look at how to truly love your neighbor. Mr. Roberts points out that it’s easy,
particularly in our American culture, to love those who believe like we do, who
value the things we value, etc. But the world is becoming smaller every day. We
have Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Atheists living next door to one another.
On page 27, Mr. Roberts says, “Loving others isn’t something we do when we
agree with them, or when they’re like us, or even when we like them. Loving
others was made for when it’s hard, scary, and near impossible.”
Frequently using Paul as an example, Mr. Roberts wrote,
“Serve not to convert; serve because you are converted.” He is not saying that
you don’t care if the person(s) you are serving choose Jesus, but that they
don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. When you show
that you’re going to love and serve someone despite your faith difference, when
you show respect for their beliefs, they will be open to discussing faith
differences. Just be sure “truth is wrapped in boldness, but with humility, not
arrogance or hate.” (p. 39)
I found this book encouraging, particularly as I
currently have Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim neighbors. It was an easy read and
while it was not as organized as I would have liked, it did all come together
as a treatise on developing respectful and loving multi-faith relationships.
There are other nuggets to be found as well. Witnessing to and praying for your
other-faith friends is certainly part of the process.
This is a great book to challenge the way we live in and
interact with the world as we enter the new year. Filled with stories of his
own encounters with people of other faiths, Bold as Love is a call for
Christians to live radically, love boldly, and serve unconditionally, as Christ
A complimentary review copy of this book was provided with
no expectation of a positive review.